Author: Ashurov Ardamehr



Central Asia is considered a key region at the junction of East and West. In addition, the region is gaining strategic importance against the backdrop of positive regional development opportunities, on the other hand, the threat of growing global challenges,. Therefore, the area has a special place in the new system of international relations.

In particular, due to the modern geopolitical and geocultural processes, the European Union's interest in the region has increased, which can be attributed to several factors.

- first, Central Asia is located in the center of the Eurasian continent in terms of its geographical position, which is considered strategically important in terms of the region's influence on the security and stability of a large part of the continent;

-secondly, the region has many natural resources, primarily hydrocarbons, which is of global importance;

- thirdly, the control and means of their transportation allows to control the situation of fuel and energy resources in Central Asia;

-fourth, Central Asia is located at the junction of the transport corridors of Eurasia, and there are extensive transport and communication networks in the region. Through Iran, the Central Asian region has access to the Persian Gulf, through Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Indian Ocean, and through China to the Asia-Pacific region;

- fifth, security issues. At the beginning of the 21st century, the international community announced a fight against global terrorism, religious extremism, and drug trafficking. Therefore, Central Asia was at the center of this struggle and gained another important role in the new system of international relations.

First of all, the question arises, what is the direction of the European Union in the Central Asian region in the new conditions of the formation of international relations? What does it rely on? More specifically, what strategies and programs are currently being implemented, and what opportunities, benefits, and consequences will these policies have for Tajikistan?

In the last five years, that is, at the stage of the formation of a multipolar world, the European Union cooperates with the countries of the region within the framework of the new Strategy (2019), the new Program of 2021 "Global Gateway" (Global Gateway), the new initiative "Team Europe".

First, what does the Main Strategy want from the region and what will be its significance for Tajikistan?

The new strategy of the EU is aimed at creating a "stronger, modern, and indirect partnership with the countries of Central Asia" in the interests of the development of the region as a stable, prosperous, and closely connected economic and political space.

The document focuses on three interrelated and complementary priorities. First, the European Union intends to establish a "partnership for stability" among the countries of our region.

The second priority of the European Union is "cooperation for prosperity", which means promoting business competitiveness, creating a healthy and free investment environment, unlocking scientific power, and supporting the accession of the rest of the region to the World Trade Organization.

"The EU will promote dialogue and cooperation with Central Asian countries, including between start-ups and business incubators. This will contribute to the creation of bilateral and regional platforms for cooperation between the business community, such as European Chambers of Commerce in Central Asian countries," the document states.

In particular, the European Union intends to help the countries of the region in developing the rules for the registration of the names of the production of goods and their protection, which can give the producer of the "regional brand" additional competitive advantages.

In the new strategy of the European Union, serious attention is paid to the development of infrastructure, which is intended to restore the connections between Europe and Central Asia. Cooperation in this sector is expected to focus mainly on transport, energy, and digital communications, as well as people-to-people contacts.

Second, the Global Gateway Program, an alternative to China's Belt and Road Initiative, will invest 300 billion euros in financing and building green infrastructure around the world. Global Gateway is a new European strategy launched in December 2021 by the European Commission (EC). The main goal of the infrastructure project is to "develop smart, clean and secure connections in the digital, energy and transport sectors, as well as strengthen health, education, and research systems around the world".

Thirdly, the initiative of Team Europe - "European Group" on water, energy and climate change, and the European Digital Connection Initiative.

Opportunities and implications for Tajikistan

Cooperation with the European Union is one of the priorities of the foreign policy of the Republic of Tajikistan, and various forms of cooperation are promoted at the bilateral and multilateral levels of relations between the parties.

Cooperation of Tajikistan with the European Union within the framework of the Team Europe program. Health Development Program (€52.2 million), Quality Education Support Program II (€50 million), and Support for Civil Registry Reform (€10 million). The first two programs include elements (a total of €46.2 million) that directly support the emergency response to the pandemic and also strengthen efforts to reduce its negative socio-economic impact.

  Based on previous efforts, the European Union allocated 91 million euros for cooperation with Tajikistan for 2021-2024, focusing on three priority areas:

1. Inclusive green and digital economy

2. Human development

3. Management of natural resources, efficiency and sustainability

In addition, the European Union is preparing a project to support the cotton sector in the country, especially to promote sustainable cotton value chains.

  Team Europe's initiatives focus respectively on water, energy, climate and digital connectivity – two important areas for Central Asia – where the European Union and its member states, thanks to their rich experience of cooperation in the field of regional water and high technical standards in key sectors for connectivity such as energy and digitization can provide added value.

Tajikistan also benefits from thematic support through the European Act on Democracy and Human Rights, global initiatives such as the Spotlight Initiative, the Global Partnership for Education, the Nuclear Security Cooperation Act, etc.

The EU aims to invest an additional €300 billion worldwide by 2027 through the Global Gateway. Already, the European Union has signed several  agreements with Asian and African countries. Digital technologies, energy and climate, transport, health, education and research are the five main areas of European investment under this initiative. Tajikistan participates in high-level events, forums, panels and meetings related to this issue.

The European Union cooperates with the use of "soft power" in the Central Asian region. This country has beneficial cooperation with the states of the region and is currently expanding its relations both in the field of education and in the field of culture and science, which is mostly aimed at the benefit of the European Union itself.

The European Union, within the framework of its program with Central Asian countries, including Tajikistan, supports the development of various sectors in the region, especially in the areas of education, health, rural development, energy, environmental protection and water resources, border management, and the fight against drugs. and crime, ensuring the rule of law and transport and communication.

In conclusion,  cooperation with the European Union is beneficial , which is also in our interest.

That is, through these cooperations, we can realize our strategic goals. We also have a National Development Strategy that covers up to 2030. Therefore, our cooperation with the European Union should facilitate the implementation of aspects of this strategy. That is, cooperation should be mutual.

Ashurov Ardamehr

Candidate of Historical Science, Leading Researcher of the Institute for the Study of Asian and European Countries of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan.

E-mail: ardamehr.ashurov@mail.ru  tel: +(992) 917340294. Address: 734025, Dushanbe, Rudaki Ave. 33.