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Tajikistan School of Peace:A Virtuous Model for Regional Unity

Ношир: Rahmonov Mirsaid, Санаи интишор:2024-26-06

The Multipolar World Has Not Yet Formed, but Unipolarity No Longer Dominates

Ношир: Shamsiddin Karimov, Санаи интишор:2024-04-06

Civil rights in the United States of America

Ношир: Sadulloev Ozod Farhodovich, Санаи интишор:2024-04-06

Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон

"The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic is a mirror that reflects the intellectual image, level of education, knowledge and civilization of our society. In human society, each nation and people is known and valued according to these indicators, i.e. degrees of intellectual development, knowledge and civilization. The cleaner and cleaner this mirror is, the brighter and more noticeable will be the spiritual image of our people and state in the world".
Emomali Rahmon